Displace - определение. Что такое Displace
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Что (кто) такое Displace - определение

Displace; Displacements; Displacement (disambiguation)

(displaces, displacing, displaced)
If one thing displaces another, it forces the other thing out of its place, position, or role, and then occupies that place, position, or role itself.
These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange...
If a person or group of people is displaced, they are forced to moved away from the area where they live.
In Europe alone thirty million people were displaced...
...the task of resettling refugees and displaced persons.
VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed
·vt To crowd out; to take the place of.
II. Displace ·vt To Dislodge; to drive away; to Banish.
III. Displace ·vt To change the place of; to remove from the usual or proper place; to put out of place; to place in another situation; as, the books in the library are all displaced.
IV. Displace ·vt To remove from a state, office, dignity, or employment; to Discharge; to Depose; as, to displace an officer of the revenue.
v. a.
Move, dislocate, put out of place, change the place of.
Remove, dislodge, take out or away.
Depose, oust, dismiss, discharge, cashier, remove, eject from office.



Displacement may refer to:

Примеры произношения для Displace
1. But they'll displace jobs.
Will American Shared Prosperity Be Restored _ Jan Rivkin _ Talks at Google
2. displace fossil fuel use.
Green Illusions _ Ozzie Zehner _ Talks at Google
3. they know will displace jobs.
Will American Shared Prosperity Be Restored _ Jan Rivkin _ Talks at Google
4. you displace something else.
Orthorexia - When Healthy Eating Goes Bad _ Renee McGregor _ Talks at Google
5. to displace animal products.
Climate Change, Sustainability, and What You Can Do to Make an Impact _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Displace
1. Crackdowns only displace, not remove, the problem.
2. Or before they 50 percent displace technologies that came before.
3. "But if the state doesn‘t displace us, the water will.
4. You could displace the water with carbon dioxide.
5. "But you may also displace workers at another, similar business.